Touch Base with Tsquared: HCS London Blog and Updates

Touch Base with Tsquared: HCS London Blog and Updates

Hey Str8 Rippin Fans,

It really doesn't feel like that long ago that we were relaunching Str8 Rippin and gearing up for HCS Arlington. Time really does fly when you’re having fun. These past 2 months have been nothing short of amazing—the support we've received has surpassed all expectations. From the incredible hype on social media to the dedicated staff working tirelessly behind the scenes here at Str8, to the fantastic interactions with the community at the Str8 Rippin x Razer booth—it's reignited my passion for Halo and esports­.

Building personal connections and sharing our gaming passion has always been at the core of what we do, and nothing makes it more real than our fans and number one supporters. So, I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude and provide some insight into what's been happening at Str8 Rippin and what's on the horizon. We are committed to maintaining transparency throughout this entire process.

We anticipated that our merchandise would be well-received, but the overwhelming response took us by surprise. If you experienced a slight delay in your online order, it was because we didn’t anticipate just how enthusiastic you all would be about rocking one of the coolest logos in esports history. We sold out of all our inventory in record time and had to work extremely quickly to restock and fulfill orders. We are glad to report that 100% of all orders have been fulfilled at this point and we are well positioned to keep that momentum going. Thank you for your patience and support!

Since Arlington, we've been hard at work behind the scenes on several exciting initiatives that will be rolling out soon.

Scouting to sign a Halo team to Str8 Rippin

One of the priorities for this season was not only to bring the Str8 Rippin brand back to Halo esports, but also to sign a team and compete on mainstage once again. I am actively talking to and scouting teams that I feel will be a great fit, and we hope to have a team onboard before the end of the year.

HCS London

We were extremely close to making a huge splash in London because of how important our fans overseas are. Unfortunately, due to the logistical challenges of activating internationally and shipping all of our merchandise and gear across the pond, we decided to sit this one out – we will do everything we can to make it to any international event next year and beyond. This will not stop us from pursuing our goal of being on-site at all the remaining events this year. We want to express our gratitude and appreciation to the team at 343 and Quadrant for doing everything they could to support us leading up to London, and we look forward to watching the event from home.

Additional Merchandise

We are actively meeting with more merchandise designers and manufacturers to further extend our merchandise and level up our quality even further. The conversations have been promising so far, and we can’t wait to share more with you soon. We see all of you asking about new and improved Str8 Rippin jerseys and other pro line items. We are working hard to check that box as soon as possible.

Halo content production and events

For the last few months, we've been fleshing out a handful of new content ideas that we want to bring to the Halo community. After London, we'll be announcing one of our new broadcast initiatives. I don't want to give away too many details yet, but we are excited to put on our first show, and we can’t wait to see you in chat!

New ideas to engage and interact with the community

We have really loved playing Halo with the community again in our occasional Community Game Night. It has been tough to host these as consistently as we would like with how busy we have been and some personal life changes I have been working through, but we are looking forward to hosting another and continuing to strengthen the bond we have with our community. We are expanding our Discord for gamers who share our same passion,  and we'd love to extend an invitation to play with us.

Click here to join our Discord.

See you soon, and as always - Stay Rippin.
